So, What is this Site?

This site is created by and aimed at all those gamers who have fought on too many tabletop battlefields, rolled far too many duff dice in board games and been shot more times than they care to remember in virtual worlds. Other younger players out there may benefit from our wisdom (or lack there of) over the decades of gaming we have enjoyed, regardless of the various stunning victories or acrimonious defeats we may have suffered.

If you’re in your 30s or 40s (or even more venerable) but still think and occasionally (with dice in hand) act, like you’re about 12 and still love playing games, you may find this site briefly entertaining.

Recent Posts

  • Imperial Crackdown 23/05/2016 - After such a successful campaign in Will of the Empire for the rebels (nope), Stormbolter and Gallanteer decided to try another huge ship campaign. This time we chose the one that came with the Gozanti class cruiser. It must be … Continue reading
  • Will of the Empire 18/05/2016 - After playing many single games based on points limit, an occasional single mission supplied in the large ships and our own campaign about how the Rebels acquired the Death Star plans (now about to be usurped by the Rogue One … Continue reading
  • In Perfect Hibernation 10/05/2016 - OK. It’s been a very long time since the site has been updated, but like Han Solo in carbonite or the crew of the Nostromo, we’re about to awaken the site from its 8 month slumber. In the interim we’ve … Continue reading
  • Not quite rocket science 02/08/2015 - The little words have taken over my life and they are Kerbal Space Program. It’s been a long time since a game like this has kept me wanting to go back for more. I can draw parallels to when the … Continue reading
  • Preparing for the Boston Wasteland 02/08/2015 - Many, many years ago I picked up a copy of Morrowind. It was my first game from Bethesda and it totally and utterly drew me in. The sheer size of the world and ther complete openness and freedom was something … Continue reading