Mice & Mystics

(Copyright PlaidHat Games)

under construction

The Kids Bits……


(by Wreckabecca)I think the mice and Mystics is my favourite board game.

The  reason I like it is because it is suitable for children years seven and under – which means that a lot of families can play. I also think that it isn’t very complicated but takes a while to understand. We didn’t complete our first story/challenge but this showed us that it was a game of strategy. This leads me onto the stories. I think I like those most of all. I think they are the reason these are so much different to other games. The stories are what set the scene, as well I like the aspect of pages moving on as the challenge progresses.

There was not much that I didn’t like about this, though I think that the kitchen is very difficult! We were stopped in the kitchen so I do not know of anything else, but from what I played, this is all very reasonable and I do not disagree with the rules.
I definitely  recommended this game!”

Overall Score;


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