Falcon Encounter

by Gallanteer – vs Redman

Straight fight between Rebels and Imperials

Imperials (Gallanteer) took Mauler Mithel, Dark Curse, Nightbeast, Black Squadron pilot and Major Rhymer in his TIE Bomber including a Proton bomb and a Proton Torpedo.

Rebels (Redman) took Han Solo in the Falcon with Luke in the gunner’s seat and Wedge in his X-Wing, both tooled up.

Turn 1 – Both sets of opponents held their formations as they headed straight for each other. With the Black Squadron pilot just in range, Luke, sat in the Falcon’s gunners chair reached out through the force ensuring every laser bolt found their mark and wiped out the TIE pilot in the first action of the game.

Turn 2 – The TIE Fighters all predicted the Rebels would sweep to the left, but instead, the heroes of the rebellion slowed and held their course to assist their aim. This time Wedge opened up critically damaging Night Beast, as Luke once again fired and finished off the stricken TIE fighter. The Imperials fired upon the rebels, taking down one of Wedge’s shields.

Turn 3 – Trying to limit their attacking capabilities, all of the TIEs slowed down, knowing that if the Rebels came too close, they would not be able to bring their weapons to bear. Rhymer also had other plans, acquiring a target lock onto the Falcon, he prepared to release his Proton Bomb. For the first time, the Rebels inflicted no damage on the fast approaching TIEs as their laser blasts all went wide. Mauler Mithil managed to clip the rear of the Falcon, taking down two shields.

Turn 4 – Dark Curse swung away from the firing line preparing to loop back into the fray. Mauler Mithil continued his close pursuit of the YT-1300 as the Mjor released his Proton Bomb and blasted forward into a risky K-turn to keep the Falcon in his sights. Wedge, expecting the imperials to sweep by, pulled a K-turn himself to shoot back at the imperials. Han pulled hard right colliding with Wedge. Both ships, unable to avoid it, took critial hits from the bomb. The Falcon’s forward deflectors became erratic, collisions would now cause damage. Wedge on the other hand was faced with his control console catching fire. In the confusion, the rebels failed to hit the Imperials. Mauler Mithil bore down on the Falcon one again, taking down his shields and causing hull damage. At this precise point, Major Rhymer released an Assault Missile which struck the falcon with devasting effect, leaving the Falcon with only three hull points as the blast wave also damaged Mauler Mithil and Wedge.

Turn 5 – With his beloved Falcon billowing smoke, Han was forced to pull clear of the immediate danger as Wedge covered his retreat. The TIEs continued their pursuit. Laser fire was exchanged as the TIEs soaked up more damage.  The fire in the X-Wing cockpit blazed out of control and finally exploded, destroying the snub fighter. On the Falcon, Artoo (crew card version) managed to restore a shield without further damaging the fleeing vessel.

Turn 6 – Flying through the evaporating debris cloud of the X-Wing, the TIEs pushed their assault on the Falcon. Luke continued to fire at the pursuers, causing further damage. But it was too late, Both Mithil and Rhymer opened up again, mortally crippling the YT-1300.

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