Seeds of Hope – Battle 2

(or “Never tell me the odds”)

by Gallanteer (Rebel) vs STORM_BOLTER (Imperials)

The setup

Rebels start with Dash Rendar in a YT-2400 plus Tycho Celchu and Jake Farrell in their A-Wings.

Imperials were led by Soontir Fel (the Imperial embodiment of StormBolter), another TIE Inteceptor plus Kath Scarlet in her Firespray-31.

Turn 1 – With Dash receiving the transmission from the wounded Moldy Crow it was unable to do anything in the first turn apart from trying to avoid incoming fire, Kath and the Interceptors zoomed forward hurling all they had at the YT-2400. They succeeded in taking down four of its shields but anxious to get into the fight, the inexperienced Inteceptor broke ranks, causing the Baron to lose sight of the target and inflicting further damage. The A-Wings bosted forward at maximum speed managing to hit the young Inteceptor pilot.
Turn 2 – Having to weave through the asteroids, the Imperials became completely uncoordinated meaning that Fel was the only Imperial in a position to fire as he took down the YT-2400’s last shield. Dash had tried to engage the engines to break free of the asteroid field but the engines had not warmed up enough to get beyond the oncoming Imperials. However, he managed to hit the Baron with a reactive blast from the main turret gun. The A-Wing pilots showed their extreme skill in close quarter fighting and weaved through the asteroid field, engaging after-burners to get behind the enemy.
Turn 3 – With the freighter’s engines fully warmed up, Dash made a break out of the asteroid field as the Firespray swept by unable to fire behind as it skimmed the surface of an asteroid. The Interceptors swung around out of the asteroid field with the rookie leaving himself faced with an oncoming floating rock. The A-Wings continued to show their prowess, getting back into formation to cover Dash.
Turn 4 – Dash Rendar pulled a hard left firing at the inteceptors. The rookie TIE bounced off the asteroid damaging his hull before being blasted apart by the onrushing A-Wings. However, the Baron proved his quality and caused critical hits on the already damaged freighter, blasting the Outrider apart. Kath started to swing her Firespray around the edge of the asteroid field, her lack of confidence evident in her flying.
Turn 5 – With the YT-2400 drifting away in pieces, the A-Wings blasted forward keeping in a tight formation. Soontir Fel once again showed his experience by pulling a K-turn as the metal of his Inteceptor screamed around him. The vibration of the turn meant his aim was off and missed both the fast paced targets. The Firsepray continued it’s pursuit as it prepared to cut through the asteroid field once again.
Turn 6 – The A-Wings continued to push the limit and turned back into the asteroid field with Fel in pursuit, barrel rolling to his left ready to cut them off. Kath finally swung around the edge of the asteroid field, aquired a lock on Tycho but failed to get a clear shot between the asteroids. The Baron meanwhile disrupted one of Tycho’s shields.
Turn 7 – As Kath turned into the asteroid field, Farrell engaged full power, spiralling through the centre of the asteroid field across her bow and boosted forward before she could take aim. Tycho’s experience in dealing with tight situations came to the fore as he slowed down, allowed Fel to pass him and kept out of firing line of the oncoming Firespray.
Turn 8 – Angered by the Rebel scum, the Baron blasted forward passed the asteroids and engaged his own boosters to start a turn back towards his prey. Kath, in a desperate move pulled a hard K-turn in the centre of the asteroid field but could not get a clear shot on Farrell on the far side. Tycho’s reactions continued to guide him as he turn towards the Firespray’s side blindspot but failed to find his mark.
Turn 9 – Jake Farrell’s A-Wing zoomed forward once again, keeping out of the Firespray’s sites. Tycho misjudged Kath who had slowed down expecting that Tycho would have continued his left turn. Tycho’s move ended too close to rip into the side of the Firespray. The Baron’s controls momentarily short circuited, sending him on a tight right turn instead of left, and it looked like his Inteceptor would be sent spinning from the battle zone.
Turn 10 – Kath was forced to negotiate her larger vessel out of the asteroid field as the A-Wings continued their cat-and-mouse game with the larger vessel, keeping out of firing line. Meanwhile, the Baron wrestled his Inteceptor back under control, skimmed the dge of the battle zone and swung back into the fray, too far out for his shots to make any effect.
Turn 11 – Seeing the oncoming threat, Farrell swooped right into the asteroid field again distracting Fel who steered his Inteceptor almost onto the surface of a nearby asteroid. With the distraction working, Tycho pulled around with the Inteceptor in his sights.
Turn 12 – As Soontir Fell pulled back on his stick to lift his Interceptor clear of the asteroid, a stray rock sliced through the support of one of his solar panels, sending the ship and the angry veteran spinning out of the battlezone. The A-Wings with the sudden lack of target, turned their concentration on the still present bounty hunter.
Several more turns continued as the A-Wings stayed out of the Firesprays sights and they took the occasional shot at the larger vessel.

At this point, with the main purpose fulfilled, the battle was brought to a close.


The mission dictating the YT-2400 starting in the centre of the board unable to do anything but throw defensive dice meant that it was always going to be tough first turn. Bad luck and wrong upgrade options made it worse – I should have taken defensive upgrades instead of offensive ones. Colliding with the enemy in the second turn didn’t help either. On the other end of the scale, the A-wings were awesome as usual. This was StormBolter’s first experience of asteroids, and after this, he wants it to be his last. Well, we’ll see about that.

From a story point of view, it was over a bit too quick and became a battle of attrition once the outrider was destroyed.


Battle Score: Gallanteer (Rebels) 1 – STORM_BOLTER (Empire) 2

Campaign Score: Gallanteer (Rebels) 1 – STORM_BOLTER (Empire) 4

The scoring in the last battle could still swing this round for the Rebels!

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