Seeds of Hope

A campaign for the X-Wing Miniatures game set before Episode IV – A New Hope.

The empire is close to completing a weapon that will bring fear to the galaxy and bring the outlying star systems in line. It also threatens to crush to growing rebellion that is starting to gain support from the many suppressed races of the galaxy.

Kyle Katarn, a young imperial officer has recently been recruited by the rebellion as an intelligence agent and is determined to help the newborn alliance in any way he can. With the Death Star approaching operational status, he has finally managed to acquire the blueprints of its design. Unable to take the files to the rebellion in person without exposing his true identity, he arranges to pass them to his handler, Jan Ors on a standard courier trip she is making to the imperial garrison where he is stationed. A small skirmish rebellion squad will attempt to cover her escape.

In order to ensure that the plans make it to the rebellion, Jan is to rendezvous with a smuggler in orbit over Bestine and then head back into the central systems to throw any pursuers off the scent. The smuggler is then to meet the CR90 Corvette “Tantive IV” posing as a diplomatic envoy above Tatooine so that they can take the plans safely to Alderaan the leading world in the rebel alliance.


Battle 1 – The Getaway

Limit – 100 pts

Prerequisites – Moldy Crow crewed by Jan Ors and a small squad of rebellion fighters running cover for Jan’s escape. Imperials – no large or huge ships – they are attempting to fend off the rebel skirmishers and trying to stop the Moldy crow from leaving the system. Vader cannot be used.

Special Rules –  In order for the Moldy Crow to make the jump to hyperspace, the navicomputer must plot the course. There are 7 elements to plotting the course. At the end of each turn, the rebel player rolls a single hit die. On a hit or critial hit, one of the points has been plotted. Once all 7 elements have been plotted the ship can jump to hyperspace at the end of the turn, if it is at least distance 1 away from enemy ships (including the turn the 7th element has been plotted). Once the Moldy crow escapes or is immobilised, the game ends. If destroyed (immobilised) Jan manages to transmit the data before her ship is captured. She is later freed as she has seen as an independent just defending herself.

Board and Setup – The battle is being fought in clear space. The Moldy Crow is placed first in the centre of the setup zone at range 2. The imperials then deploy all their forces at range 1 and 2. The rebels then deploy the rest of their forces at range 1.

Initiative – by squad selection. Rebels have the initiative by default (Imperials are struggling to react to the situation)

Victory conditions

Destroy (immobilise) the Moldy Crow – 1 point.
Destroy all other rebel forces 1 point


Moldy Crow escapes – 1 point
Destroy all imperial forces – 1 point

Battle 2 – The Handover

Limit – 100 pts

Prerequisites – If Moldy Crow survived it must be used in this battle using exactly the same set up Battle 1. Also, YT-2400 must be used as the smuggler (no restrictions on pilot etc). Other rebel fighters can also be included and are assisting the hand over. Imperials can use any ships although if possible, a Firespray should be included to represent a bounty hunter leading the chase.

Board and Setup – The YT-2400 starts in the centre of the board in an asteroid field but cannot move, take any actions or shoot during the first turn. It can still roll defensive dice. If the Moldy Crow survived it is positioned touching alongside the YT-2400 with the same rules. This represents handover of the file (or receipt of the transmitted file if the Moldy Crow was disabled). All other ships start along the board edge as normal.

Initiative – by squad selection. Imperials have the initiative by default (it’s a suprise attack)

Victory conditions

Destroy (immobilise) the YT-2400 – 2 points.
Destroy all other rebel forces 1 point


Destroy (immobilise) the Firespray – 2 points.
Destroy all other imperial forces – 1 point

Battle 3 – The Diplomat

Limit – 200 pts

Prerequisites – Tantive IV, the same YT-2400 from battle 2 and extra supporting fighters. If the YT-2400 was destroyed, Biggs Darklighter in an X-Wing must be included (he flew in after battle 2 and somehow managed to obtain the plans). Vader’s Star Destroyer Devastator is in system but out of range at present so it would be natural if Vader in his advanced TIE was also in the battle.

Board and Setup – This battle is being fought above Tatooine and is in clear space. Suggest this battle is fought on a 6′ x 3′ board. Rebels can be placed within range 3 of the board edge, Imperials within range 2 of theirs.

Initiative – by squad selection. Imperials have the initiative by default.

Victory conditions:

Imperials – destroy (immobilise) the Tantive IV – 5 points.

Rebels – destroy imperial forces – 0.5 points per ship


No matter the results of the campaign, history does not change and the Devastator captures the Tantive IV as depicted at the start of A New Hope.

For the campaign result, accumulate all of the points across the 3 battles to decide the winner.

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