No perfect actions, only perfect intentions…

stormbolterOk, so having spent far too much of the weekend playing with Adobe and re-designing the website header picture (of which I’m fairly pleased!), my well intentioned first posting for Warhammer 40K is going to be sadly lacking – that is if I value my marriage.  Mind you, I can’t complain too much because I’m being dragged off to watch Game of Thrones!

IMG_0665(s)Here is a quick pic of one of my all time favourite Warhammer 40K miniatures – the ubiquitous Space Marine Chaplain in Terminator Armour.  I painted this guy a few years ago, and think I’ve only ever battled with him once.  He doesn’t particularly work well with the rest of my Blood Angels space marine army – I much prefer using the Death Company Chaplain Lemartes, since I’m a huge fan of jump-packs.  But, I enjoyed painting this guy and he has pride of place in my collection.  I think having written this, I’ll send him into battle against Gallanteer in our next encounter – perhaps charging out of a Land Raider Crusader with a full compliment of Assault Terminators……

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