X-Wing Miniatures Galactic Conquest Campaign v1.0

This is a campaign for two players set just after the destruction of the first Death Star. Each player moves forces of 100, 200 or 300 between planets. When they attempt to move to an occupied planet, a game of X-Wing is played. The aim is to control all of the planets.

Specific forces are not chosen, but rather only blocks of points. When a game is played, the players select their forces based on the points they are using in that battle. That way, the campaign map is simple to use and it keeps each battle interesting. However, their are optional rules for tracking individual specific characters.


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Coruscant        200 Imperial points

Endor              100 Imperial points

Kuat                200 Imperial points

Dantooine       100 Imperial points

Tatooine          200 Imperial points

Yavin IV         200 Rebel points

Hoth                100 Rebel points

Mon Calamari 200 Rebel points

Sullust             200 Rebel points

Corellia            100 Rebel points

Turn Sequence Overview

Rebels have the advantage and therefore always go first.

1          Move forces from one planet to another

2          Fight battle if required

3          Generate points

Turn sequence in detail

1          Move forces

Select a planet you own and move either 100, 200 or 300 from that planet to any other planet that can be reached going through other planets you control. If the target planet is friendly then move the points. The maximum any planet can contain is 400 points. Moving to an unoccupied planet claims it but 100 points is lost automatically to local defence forces. If you move all your points from a planet it becomes unoccupied again. Moving to an enemy controlled planet triggers a battle in the second phase.

 2          Fight battle

If you attempt to invade an enemy planet, a game of X-Wing is played to decide the winner. The maximum points any player can field in a battle is 300 even if there are 400 points allocated to the planet. Huge ships can only be included if the owner is fielding 300 pts. Battles can be randomly chosen from the standard scenarios if both players agree or a straight fight. In a straight fight, roll an attack dice. On a hit or critical hit, asteroids are randomly placed as per normal rules. Regardless of the scenario, each game has a maximum of 20 turns. The winner is that based on the scenario played, or the value of the ships that have been destroyed without any upgrade cards.

The loser of the battle loses all points whereas the winner totals up all points of their ships and upgrade cards left at the end of the battle, rounded up to the nearest 100.

3          Generate Points

At the end of the turn, add the below points to each of the mentioned planets (and therefore whoever currently owns the planet). If this means that the planet exceeds 400, no more points can be added.

 Kuat                100

Mon Calamari 100

Bespin             50

Coruscant        50

Yavin IV         50

Optional Rules

The locations of the following characters must be tracked and form part of the points moved between planets in phase 1. E.g. All the rebels are on Yavin IV. The Rebels move 200 points from Yavin IV to Tatooine and take with them Han and Wedge. The rest stay on Yavin IV. Characters do not need to move with points and vice versa. Moving characters without points still counts as the single move for this campaign turn.

Characters do not actually die in battle. Their ship is damaged/destroyed but can be repaired/replaced before the next battle. If their last location was taken over by the opponent, the character is placed on the friendly planet with the most points. If there is more than one available, the owning player decides which planet for the character to relocate to. The characters to track are (including starting locations)

Han Solo/Chewie – Falcon (Yavin IV)

Luke Skywalker/Artoo – Falcon/X-Wing (Yavin IV)

Wedge Antilles – X-Wing (Yavin IV)

Dash Rendar – Outrider (Corellia)

Raymus Antilles – Tantive IV (Mon Calamari)

Tycho Celchu – A-Wing (Mon Calamari)

Ten Numb – B-Wing (Sullust)

Boba Fett – Slave 1 (Tatooine)

Darth Vader – TIE Advanced/Shuttle (Coruscant)

Rear Admiral Chiraneau – Dauntless (Coruscant)

Soontir Fell – TIE Interceptor (Kuat)

Commander Alozen – Raider Corvette (Kuat)

Howlrunner – TIE Fighter (Tatooine)

Colonel Vessery – TIE Defender (Kuat)

The above named characters can be used only in battles at their current location. It is still optional if they are actually included in the points cost for the battle. Other named characters can be used freely in any battle. The above names are suggestions and can be changed, increased or decreased if agreed by both players before the start of the campaign.

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