So my Destiny is….?

I haven’t played many MMOs. I played the now departed SW Galaxies, tried Guild Wars for a bit and occasionally go back to The Old Republic, but I’m no WoW player. Destiny is a bit of an MMO but feels more like a cross between Mass Effect and Borderlands. The gameplay is enjoyable as an FPS and character progression is about upgrading your equipment.


The setting is OK, but nothing I haven’t seen before in the aforementioned Mass Effect or Killzone. However there is something crucial missing and in a game called Destiny you would have thought it would be self evident. The storyline in almost non existant, and what there is makes no bloody sense, even to a bloke like me that still enjoys a decent B-movie. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy many games that don’t have a proper story; Worms, Octodad even Doom, but RPGs or MMOs rely on them for their very existance. Maybe I’m a bit old school, but no story and enjoyable-but-seen-it-before gameplay leaves me wishing I was playing something else.

Don’t get me wrong, it is enjoyable to play it’s just there’s nothing new. The multiplayer is good but unbalanced. The matchmaking is rubbish and you die way too quickly at low levels. The game types are recognisable but a little distinct. However, in the middle of a game my mind drifted back to the fact I must play BF4 because I hadn’t played it in a while, and therein lies the problem.

If you’re new to MMOs and never played games like Mass Effect or Killzone then you’ll love it. Me, I might play it if I get bored of my other ‘proper’ games.


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