The Crew

Considering the major disaster that is Driveclub, the PS4 needed a driving game. Project Cars was on the horizon and Gran Turismo for PS4 is still a year away at least. Enter The Crew.


Lets start with what it’s not. It’s not a realistic driving sim. It’s not a total representation of the USA as many may have thought before launch. It’s not split screen. It’s not GTA or Watchdogs.

It is however great fun. Published by Ubisoft and an open world game, you know you’re getting a world that you need to unlock by discovering locations and a world fun of mini tasks and challenges. The story is predictable like so many gung ho driving films, but enjoyable all the same. At least it actually has a story (unlike Destiny).

The driving is similar to Watchdogs but without the phone hacking and ability to leave the car. The police are a bit rubbish though. I can smash stuff up and run over pedestrians and they don-t seem to care. However, the races and challenges are not always a walk in the park, which is a good thing.


The car upgrade system is interesting and takes car games into a slightly different direction.

The downside is always being online. That in itself is fine with a decent connection, but their servers can be a little flaky at times.

Overall, a fun game that will keep completionists like me busy unlocking all the hidden stuff and locations whilst the story is (just) enough to keep you going. Do I wish it was Gran Turismo? Yes, but as an arcade driving game its great fun.



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