Preparing for the Boston Wasteland

Many, many years ago I picked up a copy of Morrowind. It was my first game from Bethesda and it totally and utterly drew me in. The sheer size of the world and ther complete openness and freedom was something to behold. I have visited Tamriel with each following game and have equally enjoyed my stay.


However, I then experienced Fallout 3 when it was first released. Bethesda had taken me to a playground designed along a similar gameplay, but giving a completely different experience and was far more engaging. The humour and B-Movie style quasi-50’s futuristic feel was a complete breath of fresh air. The game wasn’t without it’s faults but that didn’t take ther shine off the experience. I have to admit that I actually played it twice. Originally on the PC, and then I picked up the GOTY addition on the PS3 with allo the DLCs and played tyhe whole thing through again.

New Vegas was funnier than Fallout 3, but somehow didn’t quite deliver the same experience and the map felt less open. NV was fielded out to Obsidion and definately has a feel of it as well. They tried to add a few new features to the engine but that broke it a little further. Still, it was an engoyable romp and once against I got all the DLCs (some being a LOT better than others).


That was 2008 and 2010 respectively and the world has been wanting to go back to that world for the last 5 years. Finally, after a year or two of false rumours and fake announcements, Bethesda finally announced that Fallout 4 and is due to arrived in Novemeber this year. It’s pointless stating any more, as there are countless other articles on the details apart from saying that the rest of E3 fell in it’s shadow and was just background noise to this announcement. I just hope it doesn’t suck me in completely, as I was aiming to spend a lot of time playing Star Wars Battlefront!

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