Will of the Empire

After playing many single games based on points limit, an occasional single mission supplied in the large ships and our own campaign about how the Rebels acquired the Death Star plans (now about to be usurped by the Rogue One movie), we finally decided to try our hand as an official campaign, starting with Will of the Empire for Storm Bolter’s newly acquired Raider. We played this campaign a couple of months ago and failed to write anything up, so this battle report will be on the short side, which is a good thing from the Rebel perspective.

Mission 1

I had recently got my hands on a K-Wing and was desperate to use it. I went with some pretty tooled up ships rather than basic ones, including bombs and missiles to take the Raider down.

The only thing to note about the first battle was that the rebels lost. Comprehensively.

Note to self – Don’t attack the raider head on.

Mission 2

In the second battle I kept the same theme to try and take down the raider. The ion storms initially hindered the Imperials but the deep space kraken let rip with ion fury against the rebels later on. Ships drifting everywhere. It was a little closer, as the raider took some slight damage, but the Ion storm and the TIE Defender blasting Ion cannons put pay to any thought of victory as the K-Wing drifted off the table unable to steer.

Note to self – Don’t attack the raider head on thinking that Storm Bolter won’t expect me to do it again. Don’t play chicken with it either, the Raider always wins.

Mission 3

Things were going badly, but I was hoping to push it to the fourth decisive battle and get a chance to field my new Rebel Transport.

The rebels started well and during the battle caused some significant damage to the Raider but not quite enough to cripple the rear. However, the rebel fighters failed to disable sentries or the escorting TIE fighters and eventually they simply ran out of steam.

Note to self – I blame the lopsided mission and the sneaky Imperial engineers that designed this damn Raider class corvette.


In the end, my head-on strategy was to blame for the first and partially the second battle. The third was closer but it was always going to be a hard slog against the raider and I failed to neutralise the Imperials defending fighters with some poor dice rolling. Just a bad day at the office for the rebellion as the Emperor could be faintly heard cackling away with glee.

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