Category Archives: Dad’s Quest Reviews

Munchkin Panic


Copyright Fireside Games

stormbolter‘Munchkin Panic’ is part of the overall Steve Jackson Munchkin series. The aim is to defend your castle against the monsters that attack from the woods. Too scary for the 7 year old I hear you gasp? Not at all, when the Munchkin monsters are things like the Big Angry Chicken and the Flying Frogs, with cartoon artwork that matches their names. What also appealed to me is that it’s a co-operative game where the players have to work together to defend the castle. Well, mostly. There are rules for stabbing your friends in the back so that you can be the ultimate winner, but the game also comes with suggestions on how to make it easier, harder, more friendly or more aggressive so you can adapt to your circumstances. I wanted us to work together (at least while we go the hang of the rules). Continue reading

Mice & Mystics

(Copyright PlaidHat Games)

under construction

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Machi Koro

(Copyright IDW Games)

under construction