Category Archives: Video Games Reviews

Not quite rocket science

The little words have taken over my life and they are Kerbal Space Program.

It’s been a long time since a game like this has kept me wanting to go back for more. I can draw parallels to when the original Sim City came out and how it was used within schools and rumoured to be used in proper town planning. Even more strongly, it reminds me of Minecraft. Minecraft has a massive fan base and a massive mod community. It started out as a beta and gained momentum before being officially released. It is also used in a similar way to the original SimCity and has been taken up be planners and educational institutes alike.

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The Crew

Considering the major disaster that is Driveclub, the PS4 needed a driving game. Project Cars was on the horizon and Gran Turismo for PS4 is still a year away at least. Enter The Crew.
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So my Destiny is….?

I haven’t played many MMOs. I played the now departed SW Galaxies, tried Guild Wars for a bit and occasionally go back to The Old Republic, but I’m no WoW player. Destiny is a bit of an MMO but feels more like a cross between Mass Effect and Borderlands. The gameplay is enjoyable as an FPS and character progression is about upgrading your equipment.
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Alien Isolation

Reviewed by Gallanteer on PS4 playing on “Hard” difficulty.

To state that Alien Isolation is tense is like stating that the Millenium Falcon is pretty nippy. From the start you’ll just want to creep everywhere scared that anything might notice you. Many reviews have said the game is scary but I think this is incorrect. Continue reading