Category Archives: XWing Battle Reports

Falcon Encounter

by Gallanteer – vs Redman

Straight fight between Rebels and Imperials

Imperials (Gallanteer) took Mauler Mithel, Dark Curse, Nightbeast, Black Squadron pilot and Major Rhymer in his TIE Bomber including a Proton bomb and a Proton Torpedo.

Rebels (Redman) took Han Solo in the Falcon with Luke in the gunner’s seat and Wedge in his X-Wing, both tooled up.

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Luke Goes Shopping

stormbolterby STORM_BOLTER – vs 2 other XW Noobs (Ed and Mikey) (First trial game of X-Wing Miniatures before we start to get serious)

Having developed a bad case of the munchies, Luke Skywalker was flying home in his x-wing from a trip to the Spar on Alderaan when he was rudely intercepted by a squadron of Imperial hoodies in Tie Fighters. 

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