Category Archives: XWing Campaigns

Secrets of the Imperial Navy – The Raider v1.2

Undeterred by the setback of the Death Star’s destruction near Yavin, the Emperor has pressed on with the next phase of his master plan to bring peace and stability to the galaxy. By secretly sacrificing the prototype of his ultimate weapon and allowing the Rebellion to believe that they had struck a blow against him, they had unwittingly revealed the identity of their key members and therefore confirmed the long held suspicion of the Sith Lord.

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X-Wing Miniatures Galactic Conquest Campaign v1.0

This is a campaign for two players set just after the destruction of the first Death Star. Each player moves forces of 100, 200 or 300 between planets. When they attempt to move to an occupied planet, a game of X-Wing is played. The aim is to control all of the planets.

Specific forces are not chosen, but rather only blocks of points. When a game is played, the players select their forces based on the points they are using in that battle. That way, the campaign map is simple to use and it keeps each battle interesting. However, their are optional rules for tracking individual specific characters.

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Seeds of Hope

A campaign for the X-Wing Miniatures game set before Episode IV – A New Hope.

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