Dad’s Quest

There’s More to Life than Candy Crush, YouTube and the Disney Channel

As a father of 2 little ladies aged 7 (aka “the small angry one”) and 11 (aka “wrecker becca”), I am continually on the hunt for ways to distract them from their electronic hand-held devices (actually it’s only the 11 year old, but The 7 year old would sulk like crazy if she was left out!), the dreaded Disney Channel on the telly, support the development of their imaginations and help them unwind from the challenges of Primary school. That’s actually a serious point – the eldest is stressed out doing level 6 SATS at the moment – seems like only a fortnight ago I was teaching her to ride a bike.

Anyway, I found an excellent (if a bit geeky) gaming shop in my home town and had a long chat with the very helpful owner about suitable board games we could play as a family, beyond the usual favourites such as Monopoly. I enjoyed Dungeons and Dragons growing up, and wanted to introduce the girls to the concept, but in a light-hearted, fun and age suitable way. In the end, the shop owner suggested two very different games and over the course of the next 4 weeks I bought them both. They were around £25 each, but I figured that was only same price as a trip to the flix (don’t get me started on the price of our local re-mortgage centre, sorry ‘cinema’) so didn’t mind splashing out. That and I’ve spent WAY too much on X-Wing and 40K for myself lately. So, I intend to post reviews here of the games that we buy and play, and as often as I can persuade them, get the girls themselves to add their own thoughts and musings (with authentic spelling and grandma…)


Games Reviewed