Not rocket science

Giving my PS4 a break at the moment as I get addicted to Kerbal Space challenge. A review will be orbitting soon. Plus my thoughts on possibly the biggest game of the year due out, Fallout 4.

Rediscovering BB

Recently been playing both Blood Bowl and Space Hulk. New reviews will arrive soon.

200 days

200 days until the biggest film of the year is released (and maybe inspires new ships for X-Wing and Armada?)

Secrets of the Imperial Navy – The Raider v1.2

Undeterred by the setback of the Death Star’s destruction near Yavin, the Emperor has pressed on with the next phase of his master plan to bring peace and stability to the galaxy. By secretly sacrificing the prototype of his ultimate weapon and allowing the Rebellion to believe that they had struck a blow against him, they had unwittingly revealed the identity of their key members and therefore confirmed the long held suspicion of the Sith Lord.

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E3 Is around the corner!

We are just weeks away from the big game announcement-fest.

We’ll add some interesting stuff onto the site as soon as we have more.