About Us

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This Blog is written by the fans for the fans and claims no official affiliation with any of the companies or products mentioned on this site. We claim no rights to the copyrighted materials for the products shown on this site or any of its derivations thereof. All rights reserved. Any usage of product materials, stock photos, and the like are used under the “Fair Use” act, concurrent with internet “Public Domain.”


Programming geek, avid video gamer, rubbish dice thrower, Han Solo wannabe and site Admin. Happliy married with two sons who are being brainwashed into liking the same games as their dad.


Electronics geek, casual video gamer, god-like dice thrower, Luke Skywalker wannabe and very long time gaming partner of Gallanteer. Happily married with two daughters who refuse to be brainwashed into liking the same games as their dad.

How it Began…

We both met aged 7 after having our world well and truly changed by Mr Lucas and his adventures far, far away back in 1977. We’ve been arguing about rules and playing games ever since. Classic Star Wars figures (which we’ve still got) eventually turned into computer games. We lost a year or two flying through space in a Cobra Mk III before delving underground in AD & D. We’ve played just about every game that LucasArts made as well as tons of others. At some point Warhammer 40K arrived which has been our gaming mainstay for about 20 years. We also played Epic during this time and tried out many other tabletop and board games and some CCGs (why Decipher was stupid enough to let the Star Wars license lapse is still beyond me).

Recently, that galaxy far, far away has returned to the forefront of our lives (it never really went away). With the sequel trilogy and the X-Wing Miniatures game, WH40K is having to take a bit of a back seat whilst we wage galactic civil war (again).
Oh, and if you shoot/kill/maim/humiliate Gallanteer or StormBolter on the Playstation Network, just remember that our reactions are not quite as sharp as they used to be, but we’ll never give up, never surrender!